Exercise Enlightenment

Working with mark 


Working-in working-out Intensive Training

Working-in Working-out Intensive Training. This program is an intensive training is currently taught by Mark Lindquist the founder, on a one-on-one. The course takes the groundwork from Working-in+Working-Out and leads the participant into a process of locating your "other body", your "Zero Body". It is where everything resides within "you" being in this body. This is the freedom you have been looking for!

You want things, more of this and less of that, more happiness and less stress, more money and less body weight.  Would these changes bring you happiness or is there something deeper that resonates in you?

Your list of physical goals is endless; weight loss, strength, beauty, vitality. But without presence, attaining these goals provides only temporary satisfaction.  Your body usually returns to its original state, and even if you maintain physical improvements, you quickly find new more important goals to taunt you. ".  In contrast, living in presence creates space, speed and knowing that transcends your goals. Working-In training will help you achieve and maintain your physical goals, but more importantly it will free you to find a space where who you are and what you do aren’t separate. This will change your relationship to everything in your life.   

Working-In training uses movement with all of its force to bring you into deep presence. Exercise can strengthen your connection to your body and provide a sense of achievement. You test yourself, you struggle, and you can find peace and bliss. I call this place zero+bliss; it’s the place within you that is free of struggle and allows you to move freely toward the things that are important to you.  You can do that because most of the pain and anxiety that you experience during work outs, and during the rest of your day, comes from your mind, not your body.  It comes because you hold stories from past experiences or project your worries about injury or calamities into the future.  You can learn to stop the stories. 

This training won't resemble training sessions from your past.  Although you will work with significant force, our goal during your sessions is to move your body and your mind, quietly, efficiently and effectively.   You may be making the same movements as you have in the past but they won't look the same and they won't feel the same.  

During your sessions, you will be guided to draw on not only your own energy but the energy of everything around you. As you develop this skill, you will perform better.  More importantly, once you come to know you connection to the universe better, you have little to fear.  You will move instinctively toward experiences instead of holding back.  Your experience of life will deepen with each movement.

"The impact of mastering this approach will change everything!

exercising your enlightenment program

Mark works with individuals who are interested in enlightenment without using exercise as a central tool. Mark was gifted with the ability to see someone’s “knowing,” or their way in to an enlightened space. You will work closely with Mark, either in-person or in video conferencing,

One-on-One Enlightenment Training with Mark

Working personally with me in an intimate way, helps to strengthen access to an enlightened way of being. This is a month long personal commitment to connect the inner and outer self. Together we create the framework that you will need to enlighten yourself to the outside world.

I am the founder of Working-In + Working-Out, a process of self realizations using the body through. exercise and

  • Access to Mark vis telephone, email or text during the month.

  • 8 -  1 1/2 hour Working-out sessions per month.