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Do you know there is a place in you that does not suffer when you exercise?  When you find this place, you will achieve your physical goals much faster, and connect into an enlightened place, much like athletes who plays in “the zone.”

Working-In+Working-Out is a program developed to help people communicate with themselves in a way that both enhances exercise and changes how to experience comes in through the self.  Within this website, you will get the information needed to take these principles into your own exercise program and find out for yourself how powerful you are!



Each person has to first choose to walk through the doorway. This simple step starts the process.

Inside Outside

Our reality has it such that the world looks as though it is outside of us. Yet the brain knows no bounds.  Virtual reality (VR) is an example of reality that seems real and outside of us but it is not.

Keeping it Simple

To realize the vastness of ourselves, one has to see beyond our tiny individual self.

Working-In + Working-Out Overview

Do you know there is a place in you that does not suffer when you exercise?  When you find this place, you will achieve your physical goals much faster, and connect into an enlightened place, much like athletes who plays in “the zone.”

Working-In+Working-Out is a program developed to help people communicate with themselves in a way that both enhances exercise and changes how you experience what your are doing.  Within this website, you will get the information needed to take these principles into your own exercise program and find out for yourself how powerful you are!


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Step 1: Purpose

The first step is to be clear on why you are doing, such as a pushup or a downward dog or a class at your gym. The enlightened part is have an idea on how you want to be when you do your exercise. Quit? Connected?  

step 2: Move

Movement is what creates the force that is needed to enlighten and strengthen the body.

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step 3: Do from being

Be aware of not only the proper mechanics of the exercise but who you are when you are doing. Are you reacting vs acting with the exercise?

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Working-In Strengthens The Enlightenment


The core process of Exercise Enlightenment is what is called Working-In. This part of the totality focuses on you are the deep and dynamic. You contain all of the puzzle pieces, yet to be able to access them and put them in the right order requires an understanding of the way the reality bends.


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Working-Out Is The Part The Contain Doing Force.


Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Integer posuere erat a ante venenatis dapibus posuere velit aliquet.


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