Mark Lindquist
My purpose is to guide this work to as many people as possible, who are ready to receive it. I’m leading the charge of the movement of Exercise Enlightenment. I am the evangelist, role model, and chief spokesperson for Working-In Working-Out. This work burns in me; I have no other option but to share the gift I was given.
Shelley lapkoff
Shelley is partner, producer and manifestor. She keeps the focus at hand, breaks through the clutter, and gets to the core of our work. She wants to get Exercise Enlightenment into the hands of as many people as possible.
all the People who have helped bring forward this Work
There have been many people since 2004 that have had a profound impact on this work. Exercise Enlightenment would not be as powerful without their own journey and the drive to understand themselves at a deeper level. We especially appreciate the contributions of Cynthia Parks, Kathy Taylor, Dane Morton, and many others.